UENO FINE CHEMICALS INDUSTRY (THAILAND), LTD. participated in Food Ingredients Asia 2022 on October 5-7, 2022 at Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Thailand. We presented our products including sweeteners (sorbitol and maltitol), shelf life extension (KEEP LONG), disinfectants (KILLBACT® and CIDALLY®), and alcohol hand sanitizer (KB-HAND).
In this time, we also presented our two new products;
– Ethanol emitter (ALVO®) : To put in bakery packaging to maintain shelf life
– Erythritol : A low calorie sweetener having sweetness 70% of sugar and suitable for diabetics and keto dieters
Throughout the exhibition period, we received great attention from many visitors.
Thank you so much to all customers, business partners, and visitors for taking time to visit our booth. See you next year.